Occupational Safety & Health | Emergency Medical Care
Industrial Fire Fighting | Evacuation Marshall
First Aid | Life Training
Occupational Safety &Â Health
Every business has safety risks. Occupational safety deals with all aspects of physical, mental and social health and safety in a workplace. It is the umbrella for company's efforts to prevent injuries and hazards in all work environments. Every industry presents various kinds of safety hazards to its employees.
Join our OSH training programme for OSH Representative, OSH Supervisor, OSH Officer and more

Emergency & Medical Care
The provision of timely treatment during life-threatening
emergencies in the EMS and hospital set-up is our priority for the health systems in Africa. Good training plays the most important role of medical care in contributing to health improvements within societies.
Join our EMS training programme for Emergency Care Practitioner - Basic & Intermediate, BLS for Healthcare Provider, ITLS and more

Industrial Fire Fighting
The Importance of a Fire Prevention and Training at Your Facility. By establishing a fire prevention and preparedness program withOSHMd International legal compliance training, you can help avoid fire, injuries to your employees and visitors, costly damages, and potential fines to your business and house hold.
Join our fire fighting training programme for Basic Industrial Fire Fighting, Industrial Fire Fighting, Evacuation Marshall

First Aid
The importance of First Aid is hard to overestimate. The largest benefits of First Aid are: It allows those trained with the potentially life saving ability to assist an injured or ill person during a variety of emergency situations til the ambulance arrives. A well trained OSH-Med International First Aider can save a life.
Join our First Aid training programme for First Aid - LSM, First Aid - Level A, First Aid for Kids

Life Training
The importance of life skills. To cope with the increasing pace and change of modern life, everybody need new life skills such as the ability to deal with stress and frustration. In today's life we will have many new jobs over the course of our live, with associated pressures and the need for flexibility.
Join our First Aid training programme for Trauma Healing Facilitator, Stress Management, Coping with Trauma & Loss, Care for Caregiver