OSH Inspection | OSH Policies | OSH Assistance
Evacuation Exercises | Evacuation Planning
Risk Assessment | Accident & Incident Investigation
ISO Services & Training
OSH Inspection
Every business has safety risks. Occupational safety deals with all aspects of physical, mental and social health and safety in a workplace.
OSH-Med International comes to you and inspect your company on the standards implemented. Workplace inspections help prevent incidents, injuries and illnesses. We can help plan, conduct, report and monitor inspections. Regular workplace inspections are an important part of the overall OSH program and management system.

OSH Policies
An OSH Policy is simply a method of stating how you, your employees, contractors and visitors are expected to behave when they are on Company property or performing Company related activities. As an employer or responsible contractor, you are required by law to provide a 'safe system of work'.
At OSH-Med International, we write the OSH Policy to your company needs.

OSH Assistance
OSH Assistance is designed to help employers, employees, health and safety committees and others develop workplace health and safety programs, prepare plans of action to prevent accidents or occupational diseases, and to conduct investigations as some of the many ways to meet and achieve good health & safety.
At OSH-Med International, we are your expert and in the position to implement and grow the health & safety at your company.

Evacuation Exercise
A well rehearsed and practiced evacuation drill can save lives.
The purpose of an evacuation exercise is to identify any deficiencies and weaknesses in current procedures, test the knowledge and skills of the OSH Committee and ensure building occupants are familiar with evacuation procedures.
The OSH-Med International practical evacuation drill is designed to test and validate Emergency Procedures.

Evacuation Planning
An Evacuation Plan lays out how to exit a building safely during an emergency. In case of a fire, carbon monoxide leak, earthquake or other emergency, everyone in your company should be familiar with your evacuation plan.
OSH-Med International creates your Evacuation Plan. Be prepared when your Evacuation alarm goes off.

Risk Assessment
Risk - Assessment for the risks in the workplace. As part of managing the health & safety of your business you must control the risks in your workplace. This is known as Risk Assessment and it is something you are required by law to carry out.
OSH-Med International comes to your company for the Risk Assessment and assess your workplace.

Accident & Incident Investigation
OSH-Med International offers independent Accident & Incident Investigation. An Accident & Incident Investigation is an investigation into an undesired event that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally and results in personal injury or in property damage.
OSH-Med International assist to investigate the event of an accident and incident and we will give you an independent outcome and report to improve your OSH at your workplace.